Challenge 4 – ‘The General’ 2nd April

Well, here we are a third of the way in – 4th challenge of 12! Although, we have sneaked a couple more in there so likely actually to be 14 (and maybe 15) challenges!

Still in shock over our half marathon finishing, so as today was only 10 km, I thought we’d be fine! Hahahahahahaha!!

A glorious spring day for a run, beautiful blue sky, no wind, dry and warm. There’s nothing more amazing for making you feel alive than being out on a morning like this. Combined with he stunning scenery if the Hampshire countryside it makes a person feel so thankful for their lot. Cheesy but true!

We swung past to get my colleague Eleanor en route and made our way the few miles to the far side of Winchester. Somehow, I managed to register my name twice, so both Steve and I were running as Emma Holford on numbers 712 and 713.
It was an amazingly hilly course, see the elevation pictures for details. Many of the obstacles were natural hills and terrains, including a fab motor cross track about km six and seven. Other obstacles included shimmying through pipes,  over haybale hurdles, through troughs of stinky water, scrambling over A frames, tractor tyre rolling, crawling under a REAL tank in deep mud, waist deep ditches of dirty water and a wonderful slippy slide.

One of the best medals we’ve had yet combined with the scouts doing very reasonably priced bacon butties at the end, made sitting in the sun with our post race booty very satisfying.



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